Thursday, March 26, 2009

Health Care Lies

The truth about health care in this country comes down, like most things that liberals believe, to one of power and control. What is missing is the truth behind the numbers because the truth would do great disservice to their agenda of centralizing control. What is that truth??
That 40% of the people that are "uninsured" are under 24 years of age. Why is this significant? Two reasons, the first being that people under 24 are the largest group to CHOOSE to decline health care. Additionlly, they are most likely to be covered under SOMONE ELSE'S plan. In the restuarant industry where I work about 1 in 12 people elect to choose to be covered. Coverage is available to them, but they CHOOSE to spend their money in other ways. This is much more common than people would like to admit. Inability to participate is different than the freedom to choose to decline. Second is that of the total number of uninsured working FULL-TIME is just under 17% but the number of uninsured who haven't worked or work part time in the past year is a staggering 49%. Now, parse that number back a bit more and realize that a significant number of part time workers are also covered under someone else's plan, like their husband. This is the case in my home. We have amazing insurance but since my wife declined coverage at her job she is considered uninsured.
Additionally 22% of the uninsured earn over $50,000 per year and almost 9% make over $75,000 per year.
So, what we have is a much smaller number of people who are "uninsured" due to circumstance rather than choice. We don't need the government to solve this problem. We need to refocus our efforts on providing aid to the small segment that truly is needy rather than the "wow" statistics that help government quasi-socialists exert ever greater control over our lives.
This is important information because we are heading down a very scary path that has failed miserably around the world. Why we think we are so much better than everyone else at solving problems that have vexed other countries is beyond me.
Government run healthcare will be a disaster of epic proportions. Do we really want our healthcare system to resemble the VA system? That's not a dig on them, they are trying their best but are handcuffed by governmental interference. Our soldiers deserve better. Our people deserve better and our country deserves better.
My data was taken from:

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