Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Emasculating America

I think I must be in some bizzare wonderland where RuPaul carries more gravitas than Rudy Guiliani. Am I crazy or is Barack Obama turning America into a country of contrition for misdeeds that we believe we have foisted upon the world. What is going on here?
When in the history of the world has a leader allowed himself to be castigated by the enemy and seemingly lean over as if to say "Thank you sir may I have another.".
We are America darn it all. We have very little to apologize for. Seriously? We are apologizing to Hugo Chavez? Accepting an anti-american tract as a gift? Isn't that like Billy Graham accepting Anton LeVey's Satanic Bible at an anarchist convention? Obama should understand the value of propoganda, just look at his Che chic and Andy Warhol hip campaign posters.
Does he truly believe that by allowing a sham tribunal in Iran to stand as some sort of permutated rule of law decision against an American citizen he will gain some sort of gee whiz likeability from Imawhackjob?
Weakness never communicated reconcilliation to people bent on violence. Weakness is precieved as weakness, nothing more. Apologies and groveling don't raise the stature of our nation in the eyes of the world, they make us look weak.
A willingness to self-flagulate doesn't make us stronger it makes us look stupid. The enemy stands by, mouth agape, watching us tremble with secularized fervor over moral reletivism that refuses to call terrorists, terrorists. Does Al-Jezeera put Obama's bow in the context that the liberal left does? That it's NO BIG DEAL? Absolutely not.
Fidel Castro couldn't have been more direct in his repudiation of Obama's ovetures toward a new beginning in relations with can walk toward our way of thinking or things can stay the way they were, but we're not budging. Does Obama think that by sending Cuba's leaders Hallmark cards and blowing socialistic kisses across the water Castro will change his mind? Not likely. In his rush to open up tourism to Cuba and demolish the embargo he's forgotten to answer one critical question.
Why have so many Cubans left the island nation? Hasn't he had a DUH moment about that one. It's because CUBA IS A BAD PLACE TO BE IN SPITE OF WHAT MICHAEL MOORE SAYS.
Seriously, with the prism of history to look through Obama shouldn't be apologizing, it is the world who should show some gratitude.
Would the world be a better place if Russia was the lone superpower? How much aid would they have sent after the Tsunami? Would the Middle East be a safer place if Saddam Hussein had ever, ever gotten a nuclear weapon? What if the Korean pennisula had never been defended? Or if Taiwan had never gotten aid from us to defend itself. What if we had never stepped foot on Omaha Beach?
Give me a break Obama. Stop your sniveling and realize that you are making us look like America the Weak instead of the home of the Brave.
America stands for something good and something strong and it can't be found in comments that make us look weak and wavering.
Making ourselves feel better through public apologies won't make any of our enemies want to sing kumbya.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


For President Obama it is painfully clear to anyone who is not entranced by his oratorical skills that it is becoming evident his idea of hope is dangerous to our nation and our allies. In only 100 odd days it has become stunningly obvious that both our enemies and our allies have decided to play Barack Obama for a patsy and he's too arrogant or oblivious to notice.
While we wax philosophic about wanting to strengthen our ties and play nice with nations like Iran, they continue to pursue nuclear weapons. Obama hopes that by declaring our intent to stop trying to stop them, they will stop of their own accord. This is diplomacy??? It's insanity.
Israel, who has been our staunchest and most necessary ally in that region, is being left out to dry. We are literally forcing them to act as the tip of a spear that we are unwilling to throw. We have assured our closest middle eastern ally that we will unequivocally and unwaveringly not commit to standing by their side should they act.
North Korea has just restarted one of their reactors after having gained the supreme confidence a schoolyard bully gets when a black eye to the playground weakling goes unresponded to. Obama is that weakling. The ineptitude of his non-response and his acquiescing to an anti-american world body only highlighted the stupendous idiocy of believing countries that hate us will rally around us. After launch a missle that the world and America demanded they not launch, we did.....nothing. Not that we should risk a global conflict over it but clearly Kim Jung Il has been emboldend by Emo Obama's lack of resolve.
Even our allies have made him look like a stooge. While talking about the solid support given to him by Germany and France he pretends that he accomplished something. A review of what he accomplished makes one think that Neville Chamberlin was positively robust in his manliness. Yes, Germany and France supported our sending 18,000 more of our children into harm's way in Afghanistan but balked when asked to send some of their own.
Yes, Germany and France said that they supported the idea of America contributing billions in additional aid to the world bank and IMF but almost laughed out loud when Obama asked them to do the same.
Obama's vision of hope is like trying to grasp a wisp of air with a toothpick. Bad people use diplomacy as a tool to delay action so that they can continue to advance their agendas. Japan did it, Germany did it, heck even the Vietnamese did it during Tet....promising a holiday ceasefire....... Diplomacy only works when both sides feel like they not only have nothing to gain but something to lose
North Korea and Iran have nothing to lose. Their countries are a shambles.
Allies only stand by your side when the ends you are both pursuing align. Obama should be a closer ally to Germany and France. They are glaring examples of socialist ideology run amok and they have said enough.
But Obama is going to hope his way to a different outcome here.
What a mess he has created. Our enemies have been emboldened and our allies have become indifferent.
Where is George Bush when we need him???

Monday, April 6, 2009

Moving Right

Obama's recent apology tour only highlights the bizzare self-flagulating idea in our country that somehow we have wronged Europe in some way. This sort of delusion is fed by the fact that some people believe France and Germany constitute "Europe" as a whole. For example while condemning George Bush for not buildng a "coalition" the world made every excuse in the book for the fact that 40 nations had pledged support. From a "few" troops to only having "techincal" support it was always in the best interests of the left to point out that France and Germany weren't supporting the Iraq invasion. It was irrelevant that nations who had lived under the tyranny and oppression of communisim and yearned for closer ties with America contributed to the cause. Also left out was the fact that we now have proof, evidenced by communique that have been recovered that France was acting as a defacto advisor to Saddam before the invasion.
None of this matters currently however, to an important change that the media fails to report on and that is the rightward drift of politican's in those formerly hostile countries.
Of course I don't mean they are listening to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. What I do mean is that in France and Germany center right government's have taken control and that is a total repudiation of virtually all socialist agendas in those countries.
Does anyone seriously think Sarkozy has a streak of Obama in him? Or Merkl is an Al Gore in heels?

The point is around the world Right Wing style governments are coming in to power like never before. Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Poland etc.... What has driven these countries to a rightward tilt is the realization that their social welfare programs are destroying their countries.
While we turn toward the left we do so at the expense of examining the causes of right wing ascendancy around the world. We do this because we are America and we think that we can get things right that have failed miserably around the world.

The left still speaks of the glories of socialized medicine without realizing that those same countries are being forced to ration health care, meaning the older you are the less likely you are to get treatments of many kinds. It means that the most advanced medicines may not be available to you because the government can't afford them.
So while the rest of the world is grappling with 30 years of miserable economic policies that have devastated their economies, we act like we can do better.
Well, we can't.
America is better because of the prinicipals of LIMITED government. The left doesn't believe in that at all and yet the world is full of failed leftist ideologies.
Are people beating a path to North Korea to flee the democratic South? Are people running away from Tiawan in droves to the safety of Communist China?? Did the Berlin Wall exist to keep people out of the glorious East??? Are people fleeing Florida in rickety boats to escape to the land of Cuba???
Greater government control has ALWAYS lead to tyranny. The same people who worry about the government peeking at their LIBRARY records are only too happy to allow that same govrnment access to their private healthcare records. How's that for a contradiction.
Obama will move us further left.
Hopefully in 4 years we will have learned our lessons. If it takes us may be too late.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Capitalisms Failures?

I just saw a photo on the wall street journal of protesters holding up a giant banner saying "Capitalism Isn't Working" and it made me think of how pointless it is to make statements without context. I would ask these protesters to finish the statement by answering one specific question. That question? Compared to what?
There has blossomed this bizarre mindset that is the downside of the amazing growth the world has seen in the last thirty years and that is one that is unable to make comparative analysis. I mean there is no doubt that capitalism is going through a transition and that mistakes and judgement lapses that have caused real pain to real people have happened. But there has never been a time in humankind where every period of expansion hasn't resulted in a period of contraction. It's very peculiar how protesters don't seem to understand this very simple context adjustment. Do they believe that by some sort of well meaning fiat we can wish away the negative consequences and just kumbaya into a world of never ending growth? What is important here is context and that context can provide some startling realizations. The story of mankind is one of upward trajectory over Milena. Does anyone think that Feudalism or Imperialism or Nativisim would mean a warmer more fuzzy world today? Does anyone seriously believe that even in desperately poor countries their people are in most ways worse off? There is a burgeoning middle class in India that almost eclipses the entire population of the United States. Most of the suffering in the world today is caused by governments that AREN'T capitalist.
If capitalism isn't working (and there is no doubt that there is some grist in the gears) then what is the protesters solution? We have a long sorry history of every conceivable type of "ism" related to economics that has ended in abysmal failure that far exceeds even the worst capitalist crisis. Most other forms of economic control revolve around centralizing power and we have over 100 million corpses buried around the world to show how well centralized power and control works. Even forgetting about Nazism, Communism and Facism the only real alternatives in the world today are Islam and Militarism and it's doubtful most people in world would prefer those alternatives.
Throughout the world centralizing power has resulted in economic contraction, humanitarian suffering and government caused famines that have resulted in needless suffering far beyond anything the misguided protesters can fathom or stomach. From Robert Mugabee to the needless suffering in the Palestinian territories whose government gets billions in aid it spends on weapons to Sudan's Beshir there is no shortage of alternatives to capitalism being tried throughout the world. Even Russia, where an hour outside Moscow homes don't even have electricity, is spending their money on military rather than humanitarian needs.
Capitalism's biggest fault is that it is antithetical to centralized control and the tyranny of the anointed. What politicians and protesters cannot control they despise and demonize and in this case it seems that Barack Obama and Gordon Brown have friends in low places.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Say What?????

So we now have GM being run by "experts" appointed by the Obama administration essentially. Well Mr. Wagoner, we hate to say we told ya' so but...... Ford had the right idea and deserves to have every American support their decision to fix their own problems and remain largely untethered from governmental intrustion into private markets. What I can say is that President Obama has shown complete disdain for free enterprise once again. When we look at the world around us we can see the glorious results of government run auto companies. I can not wait to get my hands on the "green" fuel efficient version of the YUGO. That's a very exciting idea that all of us should swoon over because the government "knows" what is best.
I for one, will be buying a Ford next as my way of supporting their moxie.
The most disturbing part of the press conference was Obama's statement that we need to reduce our dependence on "foreign oil.". I don't think even Conservatives would disagree on this one. However, Obama himself has hamstrung our efforts to do just that by rescinding Bush's executive order to open Federal Lands to exploration. The $147 barrel of oil completely collapsed at the very prospect of us doing this simple, logical act that would untether us from foregin dependency. Obama believes that the solution is not in greater supply but in tighter regulation and governmental control. So, he is going to design the kinds of cars HE thinks GM should produce, and they will. People will NOT buy them because gasoline is still the cheapest and best source of energy and it's cheap because it's plentiful not scarce. What he failed to mention in his speech is that the cars now sitting unbought on car dealership lots are Hybrids and Prius. This is because American's are greedy, gluttonous and obnoxious and don't care about the planet. Therefore it is up to the "experts" to force us into complaince. People deride those of us who fear socialist tendencies in the Obama administration but it looks eerily like Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascists are starting their march from Detroit and will be working their way into many corners of our lives.
That should make us all very, very scared indeed. The people aren't the problem....government is the problem. There is no scandal in the private sector that comes close to the waste, fraud and abuse that happens in government....NONE. The is no more dastardly idea today than the one that says a concentrated number of elites knows best what is good for the rest of us.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Stem Cell Ethics

Now that the ball has been cast back over the net into the embryonic stem cell camp itis amazing how few people are genuinely interested anymore. Obama waves a pen, signs an order and suddenly a really, really bad idea becomes law. What is at issue isn't the value of being able to use new and multiple cells to advance science. After all, Embryonic Stem cells haven't helped anyone to date be cured of anything. At the core of the debate is controlling the issue of when life begins. If we agree that embryonic stem cells are worthy of protecting then what are we saying an embryonic stem cells is? It is a life. Once we believe that it is worthy of protection the pro-abortion debate becomes mute and suddenly we have a grounds to end Roe V. Wade. I haven't heard this arguement anywhere else but I believe that it is largely true.
Good ideas always attract capital from investors and yet venture capital has largely steered away from embryonic stem cells. This is most likely because adult stem cells and cord blood have shown far more promise in the last few years, both are currently used in treatments, so it makes more sense to invest in something with promise.
The promise of embryonic stem cells is so far into the future that one could make the arguement that we should be focusing our efforts on things that are currently producing exciting results. It's conceiveable that the brilliant minds working on embryonic stem cells could speed any number of new therepies if their efforts were focused on things that are not things that might could maybe be.
I know many people will have volumes to say arguing my thesis but the truth is that not one person has been treated with embryonic stem cells. The arguments about adult stem cells not being as viable or easy to work with have been rendered mute.
embryonic stem cell research has been going on all over the world so one must wonder why the only major breakthrough we heard of turned out to be a fraudulent South Korean researcher Hwang Woo Suk.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Health Care Lies

The truth about health care in this country comes down, like most things that liberals believe, to one of power and control. What is missing is the truth behind the numbers because the truth would do great disservice to their agenda of centralizing control. What is that truth??
That 40% of the people that are "uninsured" are under 24 years of age. Why is this significant? Two reasons, the first being that people under 24 are the largest group to CHOOSE to decline health care. Additionlly, they are most likely to be covered under SOMONE ELSE'S plan. In the restuarant industry where I work about 1 in 12 people elect to choose to be covered. Coverage is available to them, but they CHOOSE to spend their money in other ways. This is much more common than people would like to admit. Inability to participate is different than the freedom to choose to decline. Second is that of the total number of uninsured working FULL-TIME is just under 17% but the number of uninsured who haven't worked or work part time in the past year is a staggering 49%. Now, parse that number back a bit more and realize that a significant number of part time workers are also covered under someone else's plan, like their husband. This is the case in my home. We have amazing insurance but since my wife declined coverage at her job she is considered uninsured.
Additionally 22% of the uninsured earn over $50,000 per year and almost 9% make over $75,000 per year.
So, what we have is a much smaller number of people who are "uninsured" due to circumstance rather than choice. We don't need the government to solve this problem. We need to refocus our efforts on providing aid to the small segment that truly is needy rather than the "wow" statistics that help government quasi-socialists exert ever greater control over our lives.
This is important information because we are heading down a very scary path that has failed miserably around the world. Why we think we are so much better than everyone else at solving problems that have vexed other countries is beyond me.
Government run healthcare will be a disaster of epic proportions. Do we really want our healthcare system to resemble the VA system? That's not a dig on them, they are trying their best but are handcuffed by governmental interference. Our soldiers deserve better. Our people deserve better and our country deserves better.
My data was taken from: